Millwall RFC
Founded in 1995, Isle of Dogs based rugby club


The Business of AGM

Please read the formal notice and additional information below. We understand it's a lot, but please take the time to go through it all. If you have any questions or need clarification, feel free to contact us.

Along with the usual agenda, this AGM, you'll vote on two changes: retiring the General Committee Member roles and promoting the Club Safeguarding Officer. The current CMC members suggest approving the resolutions for progress in Season 2024/25 and beyond.

Members are encouraged to ask questions during the upcoming evening session. To streamline the process and facilitate thorough responses, we kindly request that all questions and any proposals be submitted by 21:00 on Wednesday, June 5. You can submit questions in writing via email directly to Seamus at

A copy of key documents, including the Treasurer’s report, will be circulated beforehand and made available at the meeting.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding the AGM, please reach out to me by email on

Kind regards, Kate R (Secretary)

On behalf of Club’s Management Committee (CMC), notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Millwall Rugby Club will be held on Wednesday, 12th June 2024 in the Clubhouse at 75 Manchester Road, E14 3DN at 19:30.


  1. Apologies for Absence.

  2. Consider and approve the Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting held on 20 May 2023.

  3. To receive the Chairman’s report on the affairs of the Club.

  4. To receive the Treasurer’s report for the year to 1st April 2023 until 31st March 2024.

  5. Resignation of Season 2023/24 Elected Officers.

  6. Special Resolution to amend the company articles to remove the roles of General Committee Member 1 and General Committee Member 2 as members of the Club Management Committee.

  7. Special Resolution to amend the company articles to add the role of Club Safeguarding Officer as a member of the Club Management Committee.

  8. To elect the Officers of the Club for the Season 2024/25.

    1. Club Management Committee (CMC)

      1. Club Chairman

      2. Secretary

      3. Treasurer

      4. Ladies' Chair

      5. Men's Chair

      6. Youth Chair

      7. Clubhouse Officer

      8. Communications Officer

      9. General Committee Member 1 (Dependent on the outcome of the Special Resolution)

      10. General Committee Member 2 (Dependent on the outcome of the Special Resolution)

      11. Club Safeguarding Officer (Dependent on the outcome of the Special Resolution)

    2. Wider Club Management Committee (Wider CMC)

      1. Venus Team Manager

      2. Men’s 1st Team Manager

      3. Men’s 2nd Team Manager

      4. Fixture Secretary

      5. Social Secretary

  9. To consider any other business of which due notice shall have been given.

  10. To hear any other relevant matters for the consideration of the Committee during the ensuing year, but on which no voting shall be allowed.

What is the AGM all about?

At our AGM, club members vote to choose officers who will lead based on the club’s constitution and within their role remit. The CMC and Wider CMC hold important roles to guide our club effectively. They gather monthly to make decisions and oversee club tasks for smooth operations. This means we need the right people with the right skills, the right experience and because we are all volunteers - lots of enthusiasm! The majority of our incumbents aren’t standing again, so there's a chance for new faces to contribute at Millwall.

The club cannot run if we are left with too many vacant elected roles at AGM so we have prioritised filling CMC and Wider CMC at this time. Following AGM, the CMC and Wider CMC members will be reaching out to co-opt, where appropriate, other club members who are able to assist with club tasks and volunteer groups.

In other words, if you don’t fancy being on the Committee but still want to help, there is a certainly a space for you at Millwall! A separate communication will be sent out for volunteer roles which include, but are not limited to the below:

  • Cooks

  • Disciplinary Chair

  • Duty Managers & Bar Staff

  • First Aid Officer

  • International Tickets Coordinator

  • Membership Secretary

  • Merchandise Officer

  • Registration Secretary

  • Statistics & Caps Secretary

  • Transport Officer

Important Notes for AGM 2024


  1. You must be a current member of the Club to attend, vote or to stand for an elected position. The deadline for having a current voting membership is 21:00, Sunday 5 May 2024.

  2. The following categories are classed as current members: Founders, Honorary Life Members, Life Members, Youth (Family & Child), Ladies Playing, Men’s Playing, and Non-Player (aka Social).

  3. Ad-hoc players (Pay Per Play Membership) are not eligible to stand for an Elected Officer role, attend AGM or vote.

  4. To find out more about membership in advance of the meeting, click here.

Thinking About Standing for a Role?

  1. Every Elected Officer role on the agenda is up for election at the AGM.

  2. If you would like to stand for one or more of the Elected Officer positions listed in Item 8 on the Agenda, you should submit your nomination in writing, preferably by email, to the Secretary by 21:00, Wednesday, 22 May 2024. Your nominations should be a brief outline of why you are standing for the role, highlighting any relevant personal or professional experience, and motivations.

  3. We allow standing on the day for a positions, but in the interest of an effective and efficient AGM, we recommend submitting nominations ahead of time where possible.

  4. Potential candidates are strongly encouraged to find out what is involved in the role by referring to the Role Information webpage linked here, or by asking a current or past post-holder.

  5. Candidates may be considered for election to more than one position if the electing members believe it is in the best interests of the club.

  6. We recommend all nominees acquaint themselves with the various Club Policies that are set out on our website, linked here.

Voting at the AGM:

  1. While members are not obliged to vote, as a member of Millwall, you have overall control as to the way the CMC operates the club, so your vote is important.

  2. Voting will take place in person. Voters will be able to choose between each of the candidates plus an option "none of the above/re-open nominations".

  3. All voting members holding proxies will be issued with instructions on how to vote on the day and manage their proxies.

  4. Checks will be made following the votes to make sure all those that voted were eligible, where the outcome may have been affected, there will be a re-vote.

  5. Per our constitution, where there is only one candidate standing for a particular position, they must gain at least 50% of the votes cast to be elected.

  6. Anyone - player within the Senior Section or not - can stand to be a Team Manager but only eligible male players can vote for the Men’s Team Manager positions and only eligible women players can vote for the Venus Team Manager.

  7. For Wider CMC elected positions, a maximum of 2 people can stand for joint roles. For CMC positions it will remain as one person per position. All role holders can have sub-committees/assistants to help them in their duties.

  8. Any positions that are unfilled as a result will then be reviewed by the new CMC and either a future Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) held, or positions filled by co-opting, as per the constitution.

Proxy Voting:

  1. If you are not able to attend the AGM in person, you may nominate a proxy to vote on your behalf by giving them and the Secretary notice of this in writing (email preferred - by 21:00, Wednesday, 5 June 2024. Where this is not done, the proxy vote will not be accepted.

  2. Your proxy must be a current club member and no club member may carry more than 3 (three) proxy votes. You should instruct your proxy how to vote on your behalf.

  3. If you are unable to find a willing proxy, a current club officer will act as proxy for you and will accept written instructions on how to vote on your behalf. Please email if this is the case.

Key Deadlines for AGM 2024

  • 21:00, Sunday 5 May – Deadline to have an eligible membership to be able to stand, vote in, or attend AGM.

  • 21:00, Wednesday, 22 May – Nominations to be submitted to Kate in writing, preferably by email to, and to include a short summary of why you are standing for the role.

  • 21:00, Wednesday, 22 May – Any resolution to alter the constitution to be received by the Secretary. The  constitution may not be altered without a resolution properly proposed, seconded, and approved by a vote of a General Meeting of Millwall Rugby Club.

  • w/c 27 May – The list of nominees and their reasons for standing, the final agenda, and any other AGM guidance to be circulated to all members as well as published on the Club website.

  • 21:00,  Wednesday, 5 June – Members to submit questions any proposals ahead of AGM to Seamus by email at

  • 21:00, Sunday, 9 June – Proxy nominations to be submitted to the Secretary in writing.

  • 18:45, Wednesday 12 June – Registration for AGM will take place between 18:45 and 19:30. Latecomers will not be allowed into the meeting.