Millwall RFC
Founded in 1995, Isle of Dogs based rugby club

Code of Conduct


This document sets out:

  • the Code of Conduct which applies to members at all levels of the Club, including the Mini & Youth section

  • the process for raising a complaint about a member’s conduct

  • the Disciplinary Procedures for enforcement of the Code of Conduct, which have been drafted in accordance with RFU Guidelines and Sanctions


The stated aim of the Club is the promotion of, and development and participation in the game of Rugby Union. We subscribe to the game’s Core Values of:

  • Teamwork

  • Respect

  • Enjoyment

  • Discipline

  • Sportsmanship

Players, spectators and all members of the Club are effectively representatives of the Club and the game. It is expected that their behaviour will be consistent with the Core Values and will not bring the Club into disrepute. Members who fail to live up to this expectation may be subject to informal management intervention. In more serious cases, they may be formally sanctioned in line with the club’s Disciplinary Procedures.

The following are examples of behaviour which is clearly contrary to the game’s Core Values and the Club’s Code of Conduct:

  • Breach of the Club’s Safeguarding Policy or Social Media Policy

  • Foul language in the presence of children

  • Any offence in serious breach of the Laws of the Game, such as foul or dangerous play. This will be dealt with irrespective of any action taken by the match day official

  • Verbal or physical abuse of match participants, spectators or officials. This includes such from the touchline

  • Bullying or threats of violence

  • Discrimination on the grounds of sex, gender identity, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation, age or disability

  • Sexual harassment, including unwanted touching, kissing or comments of a sexual nature

  • Using, possessing or supplying illegal drugs or any other illegal items in the clubhouse or whilst representing the Club

  • Intentional or reckless damage to club property or the property of other members or visitors

  • Theft or fraud

The above is not an exhaustive list. The overriding principle is that members should act in accordance with the Core Values.

Behaviour in the clubhouse

Everyone using the clubhouse is expected to comply with all rules and requirements set out by the Clubhouse Officer and the licensing restrictions which apply to the Club. Duty managers have full discretion to eject anyone from the clubhouse during their shifts. They also have full discretion to close the clubhouse early if they find the behaviour of members of visitors unacceptable. Remember that duty managers are giving up their time to work behind the bar and treat them with the respect they deserve.

We are a members’ club and all members must therefore sign in any visitors in the visitor’s book. By doing so, a member accepts responsibility for ensuring that their visitor adheres to club rules. Visitors may attend the clubhouse on a maximum of five occasions in any 12 months.

Club Rules

Copies of all rules and polices applicable to members are held at the clubhouse. Any member who requires a copy should contact the Secretary.


As a voluntary organisation with a finite number of volunteer hours, Millwall Rugby Club looks to resolve matters in the simplest way possible. If there is a conduct issue regarding another member which you think could be handled quickly and informally, please speak to one of the Club Management Committee, the duty manager in the clubhouse or a team manager. A full list of current committee members can be found on the club website here.

Nonetheless, if you feel there has been a potential breach of the Club Code of Conduct which warrants formal investigation, do not be afraid to speak up. You can report the matter to the Disciplinary Chair, preferably in writing as this enables a record to be kept. If you are not comfortable with raising the matter directly with the Disciplinary Chair, please consult one of the Club Management Committee.

When raising a complaint, keep in mind that those investigating it are acting as volunteers and do not have unlimited time. If there are matters you think need to be looked at on CCTV, be as precise as possible with time and location.

Any complaint should be made as soon as possible after the alleged incident so that any witnesses can be spoken to while events are still fresh in the memory and, if necessary, CCTV evidence can be preserved. Complaints that are raised more than 14 days after an incident will not ordinarily be considered.


These procedures are intended to help maintain standards of discipline on and off the pitch and to ensure fairness and consistency when dealing with allegations of misconduct. They may be amended at the discretion of the Club Management Committee.

All disciplinary matters at the club shall be conducted in a fair and just manner and in accordance with the fundamental principles of natural justice. Procedural and technical considerations shall take second place to the overriding objective of achieving a fair and just result.


In order to provide separation between the ordinary management of the Club and the disciplinary process, the Club Management Committee has delegated the task of investigating disciplinary matters to the Disciplinary Chair.

The Disciplinary Chair has been invested with the power to suspend a member from using the clubhouse or participating in training or matches pending the resolution of a disciplinary matter.

The Disciplinary Chair will investigate alleged breaches of the Club Code of Conduct that are raised directly with them or referred by the Club Management Committee or other elected officers of the Club.

Investigating a disciplinary matter will include speaking to the club member(s) involved to get their version of events. Members may be asked to put matters in writing, such as in a witness statement.

The Disciplinary Chair may also gather other types of evidence, such as physical evidence or recordings from the clubhouse CCTV: there is, however, no obligation to do so where the Disciplinary Chair considers that other evidence is sufficient.

Notification of relevant committee members

If the disciplinary matter relates to acts occurring on the field of play, during training sessions, or on club transportation to and from matches, the relevant playing Chair should be notified by the Disciplinary Chair at the outset of the investigation.

If the matter relates to conduct within the clubhouse, the Clubhouse Officer should be notified by the Disciplinary Chair at the outset of the investigation.

Where Code of Conduct breach is admitted

If, on speaking to the Disciplinary Chair, a member accepts that they have breached the Club Code of Conduct, the Disciplinary Chair will take a view as to the seriousness of the breach and recommend appropriate action to the Club Management Committee for endorsement. Sanctions can include, but are not limited to, verbal warnings, written warnings, suspension from playing, training or using club facilities, and expulsion from the club.

Any action which is recommended to the Club Management Committee will be notified to the member(s) admitting the charge and, if relevant, the member(s) who raised the complaint. Any objections to the recommendation should be raised with the Club Chairman, who will then convene a disciplinary panel to consider whether the recommendation is appropriate.

Where a breach of the Club Code of Conduct is not admitted

The Disciplinary Chair will determine whether there are grounds to refer the matter to a Disciplinary Panel for a hearing. The Disciplinary Chair’s decision in this regard will be notified to the member(s) subject to the investigation and, where relevant, the member(s) who raised the complaint. Any objections to the decision should be raised with the Club Chairman.

If the Disciplinary Chair decides that a disciplinary panel should be convened, they will provide the findings of their investigation to the Club Chairman and Secretary, who will make the necessary arrangements.


A Disciplinary Panel will be convened where there are incidents occurring on the field of play reported through the RFU process (such as red cards). A Panel will also be convened if a matter has been referred to it by the Disciplinary Chair or the Club Management Committee.


The purpose of the disciplinary panel is to hear evidence relating to a disciplinary charge and any representations from those involved. Having done so, the Panel will reach a factual determination as to whether the Club’s Code of Conduct has been breached. If it decides that there has been a breach, or a breach has already been admitted and the matter has been referred to the panel for sanction, the panel will determine the appropriate sanction.


Any club Member facing a Disciplinary Panel is entitled to be represented by any person of their choice. The choice of representative should be notified in advance to the Club Chairman and Secretary.

If the Disciplinary Panel results from complaint made by a club member, the complainant shall be entitled to attend the hearing and be accompanied by a chaperone of representative of their choice.


The membership of a Disciplinary Panel will be determined by the Club Management Committee. It will be drawn from the following: Club Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Club Captain, Clubhouse Officer, General Committee Members, Youth Safeguarding Officer, Playing Chairs and Team Managers. A quorum enabling the panel to convene will be a minimum of three (3) of the above named persons.

Any person accused of, or having raised a complaint of, a breach of the Club Code of Conduct is ineligible to sit on the Disciplinary Panel convened to consider that matter.


Any Disciplinary Panel formed under this procedure has the power to verbally caution, give written warnings, suspend or expel members from playing, training or club membership. This is not an exclusive or exhaustive list; the Panel has full authority to take such action as it deems necessary, having heard and studied all evidence provided, including any defence to any allegation.

The Panel will be the arbiters of evidence heard, mitigating circumstances and sanctions to be applied. If the disciplinary charge relates to acts occurring on the field of play, the Panel will consider the extant RFU guidance on sanction entry points.

The Panel’s decision will be recorded and summarised in a memorandum of the disciplinary hearing.


The following matters may be appealed to the Club Management Committee for review:

  • A Disciplinary Panel’s decision that a charge is, or is not, made out

  • Any sanction applied to a club member by a Disciplinary Panel

  • A decision not to refer a matter to a Disciplinary Panel

Appeals will not ordinarily be considered if they are submitted more than 7 days after the relevant decision.

Reviewed September 2023